Pages of the Past

100 years ago

December 4, 1924

For many years, old-timers have been accustomed to mining outcroppings at a point about half-a-mile west of the canal flume on Antelope Creek. Occasionally, someone would file on the land and work it for a while, getting out a few tons each winter and supplying a limited demand. During the past summer, Messrs. C.F. Renner and C.E. Wollem filed on about 2,700 acres of land lying around the mine and to the south of it. They have been getting out 15-20 tons of coal a day.

The following have made above 90 in all subjects: Hazel Curtis, Mae Dilts, Frances Winters, Richard Lungren, Frances Could, Josephine Harris, Elva Taylor and Wilma McLaughlin. 

75 years ago

December 1, 1949

The junior class play, which has been cast for about three weeks, is entitled “Love Is Too Much Trouble.” The cast includes Sharon McNeal, Bill Richey, Dick Bratton, Ronald Harless, Phyllis Caines, Margaret Ruff, Lorraine Thomas, Adella Boelens, Clara Hazen, Niki Davies, Betty Ann Gilmore, Harvey Johnston, Helen Williams and Duane Seymour. 

The Basin Volunteer Fire Department has been highly complimented on its efficiency and ability following the run made to the Paul Johnston home last Monday. A gentleman whose home is in Cheyenne was heard to comment that seldom had he seen a small town volunteer department react so swiftly and efficiently to an alarm. In slightly less than eight minutes after the alarm sounded on last Monday, firemen were spraying water on the blaze. 

50 years ago

December 5, 1974

Within the next few months, Basin’s police force may be expanded from one to as many as four men. The town council Monday night authorized Police Chief Bill Harless to proceed in his efforts to obtain a federal grant for the hiring, training and paying of three policemen. 

Six Hyattville elementary school pupils participated in the fall music concert given in Manderson-Hyattville High School on Nov. 26. They were Tammy Shirran, Nancy Booth, Pam Tharp, Joni McFarland, Marie Tencich and Harley Booth. 

Mr. and Mrs. Winston Miller of Basin are the parents of a 7-pound daughter born Nov. 22 at South Big Horn county hospital. She has been named Shelly Jean Miller. 

25 years ago

December 2, 1999

Trevon and Misty Wollam of Greybull are the parents of a 6 lb 4 ox., 19” long baby boy born Nov. 23 at West Park Hospital. Morgan Bradley has twin brothers, Ashton and Tyler, who are 2-1/2- years old. 

Whitney Neves of Boy Scout Troop 41 in Powell, received his Eagle badge during a joint Court of Honor held at the LDS Church in Cody, sponsor of the troops from Cody, Meeteetsee, Powell and Burlington. 

With a new addition to their building currently under construction, Eagles Lodge members will gain wheelchair accessibility and additional space.
