Mouse update
Yes, we caught the cheeky mouse — in fact, I put the live trap on the kitchen range and caught three mice that night! I haven’t seen any more tracks in the skillets since then, though I am not leaving them out. But that isn’t the end of our mouse tales either.
We basically have mousetraps set all of the time because it just makes sense to catch them before they get entrenched in living in my house. Well, last week, the live trap was set on the floor in the kitchen and I knew there was a mouse in there because I could hear it scratching and moving around. Rick was taking a bath and I was sitting in the living room with a good view of the mousetrap area. A movement caught my eye and I watched another mouse came out from behind the cupboard and climb up on the trap where it sniffed at the vent holes. The mice squeaked at each other and then the second mouse left.
We set another snap trap near the live trap in hopes of catching the jailhouse visitor. The next morning, there was nothing in the snap trap, but the live trap had two mice in it, so we’re hoping we got the visiting mouse, too.
But then, a few days later, we noticed evidence of mice in the Silverado pickup. While we’ve had issues before, we don’t know where they are getting in, so our solution is to keep a live trap in there, too. And again, on the first day, we caught three mice. We haven’t had more mice in there either since, but the trap will stay, just in case.
I don’t know why the mice are so bad this year, but I’m guessing it’s because we didn’t have any livestock in the yard area to graze down the weeds this summer and they got pretty high. We have them pretty well knocked down, but I think it must’ve given the mice breeding areas, so we have more trying to find their way in from the cold this winter. We will keep up the fight and maybe we will eventually get them all.
It was always about this time of year that my mom would start making Christmas candy. One of her favorites to make — and a favorite of my dad and brothers — was Divinity. This is the recipe she used. It is from a Household Searchlight cook book, copyright 1945.
2 cups sugar
½ cup corn sirup (yes, it was actually spelled that way)
2 egg whites
½ cup water
1/8 teaspoon salt
12 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar.
1 cup chopped nuts (optional)
Combine sugar, sirup, water, salt and cream of tartar. Cover and boil 5 minutes. Uncover, wipe sides of pan with a damp cloth. Boil without stirring to firm ball stage (245º-248º). Remove from fire. Pour slowly, beating constantly, over stiffly beaten egg whites. Continue beating until mixture holds its shape when dropped form a spoon. Add flavoring and nuts. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper or pour into well-buttered pan.
Note: Mom always said to not even attempt to make Divinity on a cloudy day. It has to be bright and sunny, or it won’t set up.